"I'm out borrowing powertools so that I can put my chicken coop together!"
me: "eeerm? Chicken coop? Why are you building a chicken coop?"
Brother: "haha cause I bought two hens today. I even got an egg about an hour ago."
aaaaw I love my brother. He is honestly full of strange but wonderful ideas. In the afternood, yesterday, I went to check out these hens and I asked him why he had bought them. He had originally bought them for two friends of ours as a wedding present (they're getting married today), but then he started building them a "home" and he got his first egg and well now he has bonded with them ;-) He's also planing to build an even bigger chicken coop at a later time, one where they will be all warm and safe when winter comes. Next weekend my brother and I are going to prephear his yard so that he can plant vedgebles next year!
When my brother was 15 or 16 he actually bought 2 ducks and kept them in our back yard. Mom hated it. They ended up crapping everywhere and when it was to cold to be outside they lived in our bathtub for a couple of weeks. Mom eneded up forcing him to give them back to the farm where he bought them. It was still pretty funny though. To have ducks in our back yard for a few months.

ooo the first egg, before he cleaned it. haha it's laying in a dirty bowl ;-) which was kind of fitting.

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