Yesterday I read a blog post called 100 things I hate. I found that fascinating and kudos to her for actually managing to come up with a 100 things to hate. What I didn’t really like about the concept is the negative aspect. So this gave me an idea. Being the positive person that I am I will now list 40 things I like some of these things I even love. Haha at first I set out to make a list of 50 things, but this proved more difficult than I thought.
Okay, here we go:
1. Finding new music
2. Listening to music
3. Drawing
4. Creating
5. Reading
6. Re reading books I love
7. When I find new inspiration
8. My family
9. When my sister and I are present at mom and dad’s house at the same time
10. Joking around
11. Cursing
12. Exaggerating
13. Looking at my brothers Hens
14. Drinking cold beer when it’s warm out
15. Walking and listening to music
16. Going to concerts
17. Getting praise
18. When others do well
19. When others achieve something they’ve worked hard for
20. Buying stuff I really want
21. Making lists
22. Make elaborate plans only to throw them out the window and make stuff up as I go
23. Going on vacation
24. Washington DC
25. Shoes
26. Graphic Tees
27. Hoodies
28. My friends
29. Soda
30. My hometown (Which is technically a City)
31. The smell and taste of coffee
32. Taking pictures of events in my life, no matter how small, casual or common it is
33. Oslo
34. Tv Shows on DVD
35. Lazy days
36. Drinking wine with my aunt
37. Watching movies with my cousin
38. Hanging out with my brother when we wake up after being out the night before and we’re still kinda drunk
39. My job
40. Learning new stuff
Wow! Look at that I actually managed to find 40 things I like. I guess a list like this can be endless. So here you have it… a positive list.